Trust the process


Let’s these trust God quotes remind you that putting your trust in him can give you peace and help you when you are dealing with life’s challenges. Trusting God is one of the most important decisions that you can make for your life. 


Praying at sunrise


1. God calls those who are underprivileged. He calls them because he knows that they are more readily available to receive his grace and not trust in their own effort or ability. Sahne Callahan, Joy Through Presence

2. But feeling hurt and pain, understanding where I live day in and day out – we tend to think that God is out of touch with these kinds of issues. Know that He is not. Barry D. Ham, God Understands Divorce

3. It’s one thing to believe in God; it’s quite something else to trust him with our lives. Rick Perry

4. Faith at its heart is about trust. It’s one thing to believe in God; it’s quite something else to trust him with our lives. We all want deeper relationships built on trust. Rick Perry


5. He taught me that if I wanted to be successful in life I had to trust in God, work hard, and to always do something to help others. Kelvin Waites, Hit’em Before They Hit You

6. The only way we will learn to trust God is by getting to know God.

7. The only way we will learn to trust God is by getting to know God. When our understanding of him is deficient, we are going to view him wrongly. Lydia Brownback, Trust: A Godly Woman’s Adornment

8. The Bible says we can only get to heaven by trusting in God through his Son, Jesus Christ. And we don’t have to earn God’s love or work our way into heaven. Rick Warren

9. When you’re really believing, when you’re in peace,
you’re showing God by your actions that you trust Him.

10. When you’re really believing, when you’re in peace, you’re showing God by your actions that you trust Him. Joel Osteen

11. Let’s show our family and friends what faith is. Let’s teach them how to trust God and believe His word. Lynn R. Davis, I Am Positive

12. A man who does not trust in God lives a life of instability in every facet. K. M. Logan

13. “God wants us to trust Him and put all of our circumstances in His hands as we believe that He is working them out for good.” Jimmy Davis, JOB: 11 Key Bible Study Lessons in the Old Testament Book of Job

14. “Our trust protects us from becoming helpless victims of circumstance. Through faith, we see God’s faithfulness.” Gaylyn Williams, Gratitude Encourages Joy

15. “The goal is to trust God while attempting to do his will. Then he will work in you in ways you never could have imagined.” Daniel Colston, Jesus Without Lines

16. “A tremendous amount of trust and faith is required to go through spiritual dryness.” Laurie Penner, When Does It Get Easier?

17. “We learn to trust God’s heart by interacting with Him and experiencing His character in personal ways.” Renee Swope, Encouragement for Today

18. … trust is the tie that binds any and all relationships with God, our spouses, our friends, and our community. The more trust we have, the more influence we have. Buzz Williams
