Can We Feel When Someone Is Thinking About Us?


6 Mystical And Psychic Signs That Show You’re On Someone’s Mind

1. Seeing a white feather

If you have recently lost a loved one, finding a white feather is a sign that they are thinking of you and a place of rest. It’s their way of letting you know that you do not have to worry about them and that you can live your life and be at peace, that they are a place where they can look after you. The white feather is a tangible reminder of them, and even after their death, they want you to live a happy life.

2. The person appearing in your dream

There are dream performers for a reason and their job is to explain what your dreams mean, and especially who is thinking about you. Have you ever awakened from a dream thinking, “That’s odd that this one person I haven’t talked to in a long time all of a sudden showed up in my dream?” Either they are thinking about you or you’re at kicking them, for what reason, who knows they may well want to meet or see you in the near future.

3. Twitching of your eye

This physical sensation is another common sign that you are truly on someone’s mind. If could very well be that someone can’t stop thinking about you and desperately wants to see you. Being that you’re the person they want to see, the twitching of your eye gives a clue to that feeling. So, if this ever happens to you, think about the person that’s possibly missing your presence and give them a call to ease their thoughts. Maybe your eye will relax afterward.

4. Wave of emotions

Think about the time you spent during your day, when this wave of overwhelming emotions was born. Sometimes it’s negative, as if those emotions were trying to make you feel heavy, and sometimes you feel so refreshed, as if someone were leaving you with a bucket of positivity. It is a good sign that someone’s thoughts about you have been passed on to your aura and that your emotions have become the point of sale that has expressed them. The next time this happens to you, remember that you are in someone’s mind.

5. Having a hard time sleeping

You can refer to it if you have ever had one of those nights when you could not fall asleep for no reason. You were tired, you were not stressed, your body was relaxed and you had trouble falling asleep. The reason is that someone has deep thoughts about you. It is possible that there is more than one person. Your body can perceive this energy and keep you as alert as the person or people who think of you. These are often good thoughts, as you miss or ask yourself how you are going.

6. When you sneeze consecutively

This sign has its origin in Asia and many people associate the number of sneezes with the thoughts that someone has about you. (It’s important to know that this sign does not apply to colds or sinusitis!) However, if you have not sneezed twice, you are told that someone is seriously offending you. If there are three or more, it’s the person you think, in love with you. Your constant thoughts about you make you itchy in the nose, which makes you sneeze many times. It also happens by chance.

