Bright white clothes like you just bought them, here’s the trick to whiten them without bleach

We all like to maintain the whiteness of clothes even after several washes? Very often , after a few months or even weeks of use, a white garment, as it is washed, tends to lose its shine . The common thought is to use bleach, the only ally of pure whiteness.

In fact, as you will learn in this article, there are tricks that allow you to have white underwear even without the use of chemicals.

Bleach, a powerful cleaner that damages the environment and health

While bleach is a powerful cleaner , what is bleach made of? The active ingredient in household bleach is sodium hypochlorite , which is derived from salt. During the washing process, approximately 95-98% of household bleach quickly decomposes into oxidized salt. Bleach is a chemical product that restores the shine to our clothes to the detriment of the environment.

Using bleach can also pose numerous health risks , especially for children, when used in the home.

Therefore, the ideal would be to use a natural alternative.

4 natural tricks to whiten your clothes without bleach

To remove bleach from your laundry you can use one of these products:

White vinegar: This trick is a great help if you want to get rid of stains and dirt but also if you are looking for an excellent all-natural fabric softener. It is 80% effective against mold viruses and bacteria , making it an excellent choice for a natural disinfectant.

Lemon juice: a simple natural product capable of cleaning and giving whiteness to clothes. Add about a cup of lemon juice to your clothes to bring your clothes back to life.

Baking soda: it is extremely cheap and the great property is that it gives shine to clothes. It is also known to soften clothing and deodorize.

Milk : milk has great whitening power and is ideal for delicate garments such as cotton.

As you may have noticed, these are four very simple ways to return a perfect white color to your clothes, especially if you don’t want use bleach or you realize that it’s all over and you need to bleach and wash white clothes urgently.