5 natural juices to lower cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a lipid that our body needs in certain amounts to function properly. However, a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels, exposing us to many health risks such as heart disease, stroke, and other problems.

Cholesterol is present in almost all parts of our body, especially in the nervous system, skin, muscles, liver, intestines, and heart. “Bad” cholesterol is the product of a diet rich in fried, sweet, processed, fatty, or cured foods. “Good” cholesterol, on the other hand, collects bad cholesterol from the blood and transports it to the liver for excretion.

Natural Juices to Combat Cholesterol
Below, we suggest recipes for 5 natural juices and smoothies to combat excess bad cholesterol.

1 – Apple, Parsley, and Spinach Juice

A powerful juice for lowering cholesterol levels and eliminating excess fat. You’ll need: 4 apples, 1 cup of raw spinach leaves (about 30 grams), and a handful of parsley.

Blend all ingredients with a glass of water. Drink a glass daily.

2 – Cabbage and Garlic Juice

Both ingredients are full of health benefits. You’ll need: 1/2 cabbage, 2 cloves of garlic, 120 ml of water.

Grind the garlic and then mix it with the cabbage and water. Drink a glass daily to lower cholesterol levels. Do not consume for more than one consecutive week.

3 – Strawberry and Citrus Juice

This smoothie is not only delicious but also great for lowering cholesterol levels and boosting the immune system. You’ll need: 100 grams of fresh strawberries, 2 oranges, and 1 kiwi.

Juice the oranges and mix with the other ingredients. Drink once a day for at least 2 weeks.

4 – Carrot, Parsley, and Spinach Juice

Green juices are full of benefits. You’ll need: 4 carrots, 3 sprigs of parsley, and 2 spinach leaves. Blend all the ingredients together.

Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for 15 consecutive days and after each meal.

5 – Lemon, Parsley, and Baking Soda Juice

A powerful drink that can lower cholesterol levels and provide many nutrients. You’ll need: 2 liters of water, 3 stalks of parsley, 3 lemons, baking soda.

Thoroughly clean the lemon peels with baking soda, then boil the water and add the lemon slices and parsley after it cools. Store in the refrigerator for a day, then filter and drink 120 ml per day.